2021 In A Glimpse

The Good Troops
2 min readDec 18, 2021

I began my year very nicely. I moved to a different island, started a new life there with a lot of new opportunities to take. I applied for my first real job, and left everything else behind.

I was alone, but not lonely. I had great new friends that would catch up weekly, finding great discounts for group meals and even free flow cocktails. Man, the city was great, until my then boyfriend came along. Everyday was fights, and to be honest I was exhausted. Letting him go was hard, but it was a great decision.

7 months in the first company I worked for, it was fun, but wasn’t truly productive. I lack passion and I was sleepy most of the time. We didn’t communicate a lot in the office, so I decided to apply for another job.

This time, I knew I would be busy as hell. It was a big job, I was assigned to be a Project Manager in my hometown. Sooner or later, I have to go home.

But even tonight I am still sitting on a bench in a villa, in one of the most beautiful islands with the most beautiful people, Bali. And it has been an incredible eleven months. It has to be the most painful to say goodbye to a place you almost called home.

But I love my new job. I get incredibly busy during the day, and sometimes still working during the night. Mom and dad came to visit, so I didn’t really escaped like I planned to.

So anyway, all of us is starting a new page in 2022. Me and my whole family. We discovered ourselves, we experienced love and grief, we lost and we gained, we despised and we chased. Sometimes it’s all about the balance in life, most of the time even.

And no matter how messy my 2021 had been, I’m thoroughly grateful for it. I am beyond thankful for every lesson and journey I went through, all the travels and the sleepovers, the relaxation and the exhaustion, the friends, the food.

I am thankful for my gains, and even my losses. I am thankful for everything I have experienced in 2021. And now, it’s time to pass to 2022.

Forever grateful for how free and mature I’ve become, forever grateful for how strong I’ve gotten.

Cheers to 2022. Here’s to more growth.



The Good Troops

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